Frequently Asked Questions
It means one of three things:
- The received signal strength is below 60%, or
- The noise level is above 10%, or
- The app has detected co-channel and adjacent channel interference.
When co-channel or adjacent channel interference is detected, the app will automatically recommend alternative channels if the app determines that switching to a different channel may reduce the level of interference from nearby networks.
In wireless networks, having a strong signal does not necessarily mean you have a good quality connection. Besides signal strength, you have to take into account noise and interference, hence the warning sign.
If your network is already using one of the recommended channels or if simply all channels are saturated, then WiFi Signal will not offer any recommendations. Make sure channel recommendations are enabled.
To resolve this issue, make sure WiFi Explorer has access to Location Services. Then, restart your computer.
If there are too many icons in the menu bar, macOS will remove or prevent further menu bar apps from showing to avoid crowding and provide space for application menus. Make sure you close any unused menu bar apps to allow WiFi Signal to appear.
If there are too many icons in the menu bar, macOS will remove or prevent further menu bar apps from showing to avoid crowding and provide space for application menus. Make sure you close any unused menu bar apps to allow Airtool to appear.
Paddle, our payments processor, cannot exempt the sales tax at the time of purchase. You can get a refund of the sales tax portion by sending your order number and a copy of your tax exemption certificate to as****@pa****.com.
WiFi Explorer is not a network discovery tool. WiFi Explorer only scans and displays the information of the wireless networks that can be found within range of the computer running the app. It cannot detect or display information of client devices such as your laptop, iPhone, iPad, etc.
Not exactly. In addition to what you get when doing “Option+Click” on the system’s Wi-Fi icon, WiFi Signal also gives you noise levels, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, signal quality ratings (excellent, good, poor, very poor, extremely poor), channel ratings, and channel recommendations. WiFi Signal can also display signal strength and noise as %, which is sometimes easier to understand than dBm values.
Yes, we offer educational discounts for specific products. For more information, check out our Educational Discount Program.
Yes, both WiFi Explorer and WiFi Explorer Pro can detect and show information about hidden networks.
No. WiFi Explorer is required to use CoreWLAN, Apple’s official framework for Wi-Fi scanning, and this framework does not recognize external wireless adapters. Support for externals Wi-Fi adapters is available in WiFi Explorer Pro using EASE.
The network you are connected to is displayed in the scan results using a bold font.
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